Monday, May 4, 2009

Web 2.0 user provided news?

In this phase of the internet, web 2.0, we see websites that offer user provided content, the user is the content, so more people are obtaining those free products that users create and share with each other, than from corporation provided content, for example, the impact that had on the RIAA with the sharing of MP3s. or what the printed newspaper industry is going through right now. people are buying from other users like eBay, the user provided content is getting more attractive, may it be because users really know what they want? the only companies that seems untouched by the internet impact are Reuters and Associated Press. people are still getting the news from them. people are finding more appealing the users response like yahoo answers, forums, or wikipedia.

with the advance of web technology do you think the news of the future will be user provided?

would they prefer them knowing the high risk of incredibility?

Web 2.0 user provided news?
I think there will always be room for user provided news, but the major distribution channels won't support it and will continue to have news dominated by those with the money to market their information.

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