Monday, April 12, 2010

What is web 2.0?

Web 2.0 is also used to describe the web experience / web-based applications that take advantage of, and are capable because of, the general availability of High-Speed Broadband access.

What is web 2.0?
Search "web 2.0" and see what you get.
Reply:It is a buzz-term to denote the usage of modern web technologies, mostly on the client side. Web 2.0 sites generally require, modern complaint browsers (IE 5.0+, FireFox, Netscape 4.7, Safari etc.) that support the HTML 4.0 + , CSS1 %26amp; CSS2 , offer AJAX capabilities, adhere to modern HTML and XHTML design principles. On the server/application side, these sites tend to offer features like tagging, rss feeds, social networking facilities, mashups, and use of open source technologies.

Perhaps the biggest Web 2.0 association is the usage of light CSS-based designs coupled with AJAX features ( ,

Some classic "web 2.0" sitres are things like Google Maps, and
Reply:a LIE...

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