Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What is web 2.0?

I have provided a long list of pages that both answer that question and provide very good working examples, so you can try it out for yourself. There is a good chance you have already used one or two such sites already.

There are several qualities that Web 2.0 status seems to be conferred by. Not all are required by every Web 2.0 site/service/application. But each one should support at least a couple of them.

1. social tagging - so groups of related things entered by different people will be discovered as related

2. RSS feeds - so people can track what is going on at the site with content they are associated with or interested in

3. XMLHttpRequest - a Javascript object used in web pages to allow XML data from a site to be manipulated on the fly, without going back to the web site for each little click/change a user makes while navigaging

4. XML technologies - XML data from/in site, XSLT, etc. - so data can be "mashed up" and recombined, re-sorted, re-filtered, etc. - easily and perhaps on fly

5. connectable with other sites - via RSS feeds and published XML data formats

6. DHTML - typically, some type of HTML+Javascript is going on

7. AJAX - asynchronous XML and Javascript, basically, what Google Maps does; you click and it responds instantly - clearly, without going back to the web server very often - and when it does, it really doesn't make you wait - it requests the info and uses it when it arrives but does not lock up the user interface while it is waiting

What is web 2.0?
Has been asked a couple of times before. Hope this helps.;_ylt=...
Reply:Web 2.0 is the general idea that the internet is becoming more user-centric and friendly. Services are being provided instead of just products. These services are open to customization and open to more people.

Not a new internet, per se, but instead an abstract term which encompasses new services like VoIP, etc.
Reply:Web 2.0 is the new cool Intarnet. Join us!

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