Monday, April 12, 2010

What is web 2.0?

web 1.0 was essentially the first wave of the internet, starting back in the mid 90's with ebay, amazon, yahoo, etc. these were companies taking the brick and mortar business model and moving it online.

web 2.0 could be thought of as a "socialist revolution" on the web. whereas most companies operate in relative secrecy and depend on proprietary methods and products, Web 2.0 is a movement towards open collaboration and sharing of ideas and information as a way to create the best products and solutions for people. Tim O'Reilly, one of its main proponents, describes it as "collective intelligence".

content becomes largely user-driven and interactive. information goes to and from the site as opposed to being always pushed to the user by the site. an example of Web 2.0 sites are Wikipedia and Flickr.

What is web 2.0?
I'm not sure where the "socialist" part comes in. Maybe you're using it in the more positive European sense? Report It

Reply:information, standards and platforms are becoming shared and open source. things aren't proprietary and are moving towards a more "community-based" model, driven by the users rather than the company itself. nothing to do with socialism as a political system. Report It

Reply:Web 2.0 is a buzz word to specify web sites that use the AJAX technology to provide services and dynamic content. Google Maps is a good example of a dynamic site.
Reply:It's one more than 1.0
Reply:Refer to this website. It has a great starter on the idea of Web 2.0. Its over 5 pages of good information!
Reply:Well, I took a look at that O'reilly guys suggestion of a site, but I found it very complicated to understand such an answer.

Well, my answer to the question would be that all website now are more "interactive" with the user, they ask the users for feedback and we give them that. (For example Yahoo! LAUNCHcast where I provide Yahoo! with information about what songs I like and what I don't, and they offer me other songs that other fans of the same songs have liked) Both parties win, because the consumers get better services and the companies get more detailed information about their consumers so they can personalise their material for specific users. Plus that website such as Wikipedia let users develope the sites content. Very much like Yahoo Answers really... I'd say that web 2.0 is up and running now.

Note that I asked the same question just minutes after you :-P. Sorry.

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