Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is there a directory of Web 2.0 companies with contact information for each company?

There are so many new Web 2.0 companies popping up, and while I've seen list that show all the company names with links to their sites, I was wondering if anyone had put together a directory that contains contact information for the senior executives - esp. name, title, address, phone, and e-mail.

I'm approaching a lot of these companies and it's such a pain to have to search for each one - using tools like Jigsaw.

Is there a directory of Web 2.0 companies with contact information for each company?
I couldn't find a combo list - but hopefully these two resources will make your search a little easier.

Web 2.0 companies directory

Free contact info with name, title, address, phone, email
Reply: is a good place to start

what is 23b 2.0 anyway?

to me a web 2.0 site is not just about cool AJAX functionlity that enhaces the user experience; I describe web 2.0 as movement towards a user-centric design where users are presented with exactly what they want throughout the whole interaction process. A great web 2.0 site is

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